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Videos: Video
Thanks to #SunTzu, we've talked about them. T
his week it's all about you. Well, bowls, balls, and bones, too.
But mainly you.
If you record yourself talk and share it with the world, you must think pretty highly of yourself...
Not always true.
I have great reason to be humble.
Here's one piece of evidence from a storehouse full...
If you're patching against Zerologon -- don't watch this video -- keep patching!
If you don't know what Zerologon is...
If your team is furiously working late nights to solve it...
Here's everything you need to know to get their back -- and WFH means you have their pizza delivered.
Imagine you’re the villain…
Would you rather be invulnerable or invisible?
When is it savvy to bring a knife to a gunfight? And what’s love got to do with it…?
Find out, when the brilliant dead meet the cutting edge, with A Lucid View of History.
"If you know your enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles"
You've likely seen SunTsu in all best techno-strategy presentations
- but do you know how to use those lessons - really use them - to be successful?
This week the brilliant dead meet the cutting edge mashing up muskets, Christmas, IBM, and Google. Join us!
The debut episode of 'A Lucid View of History' is out!
It's cutting edge and brilliant dead time.
Let's make this a conversation: subscribe, comments, suggestions, Shakespearian insults -- let's have them!
'A Lucid View of History' -- thinking through strategy, technology, and transformation
Plato and tech budgets? Mao and cloud adoption? Churchill and work from home security?
All this and more, as we plunder history for tomorrow’s answers.
2020 at RSA, COVID-19 is coming out of stealth. Seems like a great time to discuss the upside of a last stand, surrounded by zombies. Clearly all about information security.
It's the end of 2019 and three entirely different CISOs, with entirely different backgrounds, expertise, and experiences share a stage. As you know, where you have 3 CISOs, you have at least eleven opinions.
Could your cybersecurity strategy be fully described as "eat your broccoli; do your push-ups"? If not, why not? K.I.S.S.
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