The last time I was the smartest person in the room, I was dropping off a 5-year-old at kindergarten. Even then, I have serious doubts...​
How do you combine a passion for security, history, and people? This site is an attempt to do so.​
I drove forklifts and operated a fingerjointer at a woodmill before being dropped into Novell and IPX/SPX. With passion's fuse lit, I've held nearly every job and role within cybersecurity, owned a consulting firm, and led security and risk at Boeing, Starbucks, Symantec, Google, and Splunk.​
Together with a few other CISOs, we built and launched Security4Startups.
* If you are operating or beginning an early stage start-up and need simple, rational, maturity-commensurate security, check it out!
We then built and launched the Silicon Valley CISO Investment Club.
* If you're a start-up in early stages and are interested in CISO feedback, consider looking at our intake process.
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